Monday, June 22, 2009

Need Productivity?

Photo via eHow

I am baffled that I did not know about Lifehacker sooner, but now that I know* I had to share it with you. You can find the Lifehacker website here, and the tag-line pretty much says it all: "Tips and Downloads for Getting Things Done". Think of it as a virtual cornucopia of productivity tools to help you can become more effective in anything you do - from gardening (see how to brew your own tea-compost) to computer capability utilization (see how to back-up your Google docs offline) to the totally random yet completely practical everyday feats (we've probably all needed to buy the right amount of paint for home projects). 

My favorite article thus far? BookSeer Tells You Which Book To Read Next. Since I no longer have cable to fill my free time (you didn't know? read the sad story here) I have been looking for some new prose to wind down with in place of my usual Family Guy reruns. So if you are looking for a slew of productivity tools from the world wide web, no matter how eclectic your interests and goals, Lifehacker has you covered!

*A special thank you to my friend Eric who tipped me off to the fantastic world of Lifehacker. Eric writes several successful blogs including The Israel Situation and Narrow Bridge Adventures, a great blog about personal finance. 

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