Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lazy Sunday: Slow Walk

Lazy Sunday: Slow Walk

I love walking, and city living means doing lots of it. Usually, however, walking in the city involves some combination of a quick clip, blaring headphones, a destination, and a deadline. But instead, this weekend I've embraced* the art of walking slowly.

At a slower pace, deeper, fuller breathing comes naturally and continually focusing on slowing your steps begins to slow your mind chatter too. Headphone free, it's easy to tune into your surroundings and feel more present, more connected. Without a set destination, you have the freedom to explore a new neighborhood, peak at that garden smiling at you from around the corner, or head down your favorite street "just because". No time constraints means you can go as slowly as you can stand, and not worry about what's to come next. So pop on a breezy outfit - a paper thin tunic and super soft shorts perhaps - and go for a nice, slow, walk.

*Well... I didn't intentionally embrace it so much as become aware of the benefits of slow walking when I wore a pair of not too comfy shoes that forced me to walk super slow and forgot my headphones at home, but regardless.

1 comment:

  1. love this palate - so perfect for city summers!

    have you found the perfect city/summer walking shoes yet? i'm still searching. i keep meaning to try out those crazy german "hasbeens," but they're

    email for you to come soon!
