Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lazy Sunday: Christmas Shopping

Photo via New Solutions

Okay, it wasn't exactly a lazy Sunday, but it was a leisurely one. One craft fair, three stores, and a few websites later and my leisurely Sunday ensures many a lazy Sunday to come because my Christmas shopping is complete (well, with one exception). Yes, I am one of those people who often starts this process in August, but I hate the thought of waiting till the last minute and buying a whole bunch of "this'll work" gifts. The best part? No rooting around half-empty shelves while other panicked shoppers try to beat you to the last set of Swaroski encrusted, woodland creature-topped novelty cheese spreaders. Haven't considered your holiday gifting yet? It's easiest to start with a list and set a budget so that when the times comes to make your purchases (or even better, hand-make your gifts) you stay on track.

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